⏱️ This is our chance to limit animal transport.

Soon, Members of the European Parliament will vote on the recommendations of the special inquiry committee for Animal Transport (ANIT). We want to include an absolute maximum time limit of eight hours for the transport of live animals - and an even shorter time limit for young animals.

This is our chance to put an end to this cruel system of dragging animals all over Europe in horrible conditions.

We’re asking for:

  • A complete ban on transporting unweaned animals younger than 5 weeks
  • 2 hours of maximum transport time for unweaned animals older than 5 weeks
  • 8 hours of maximum transport time by air and road
  • 24 hours of maximum transport time by sea
  • A ban on exporting animals to countries outside the EU which don’t respect EU animal welfare standards

But we need to do this together. We need you to ask MEPs from other political groups to support our demands.

Send your MEPs an email and ask them to support the maximum of 8 hours for animal transport. Use our tool to select the MEPs from your country that have not yet decided which way they will vote. If you’re in a rush, we’ve even prepared an email for you.

Frequently Asked Questions 👇

- emails sent


Tell your MEPs to support animal welfare.

Step 1: Indicate your target country, we will select your MEPs for you.
Step 2: We have a draft ready for you to send.